• About Tier 1 Origins

Tier 1 Origins Mission Statement

Our goal is to provide you with products that we use and trust, and that have changed our lives.  We will come together as a community, learn from each other, live in harmony and love one another.

We must learn to Forgive Each Other and Especially Ourselves for our Mistakes. Let us help you become who you were meant to be.  Together, we will create a brighter future for all.

About Us


I am a Retired Firefighter Paramedic, and it has been my life’s goal to Help and Serve the Public.  I always enjoyed “Helping those who were unable to help themselves” I spent 15 Years on Rescue, and I loved every minute of my career. Now retired, I miss the Guys and Gals at the Station, I soooooo miss Chowtime, at a Firehouse Table nothing was off limits and we would Tease, Laugh, and Solve the World’s Problems Daily.

“Pete Robinson” was like a second Father to me.  He was my mentor, he taught me how to be a Fearless Fireman, through Education and his Experience. He and I worked together on our days off cutting trees, and he guided me to become an Arborist.

One night at a Structure Fire in 2004, Peter Robinson broke a few ribs, pulling ceiling, the strange thing was he had not fallen or had a traumatic injury.  While at the hospital, he was diagnosed with Cancer!  Late Stage 4, Multiple Myeloma: This had spread into his bones from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet.  It was that day, my Friends Peter Robinson, Robert Montgomery and I began intensely researching Cancer, Causes and Treatments.

Pete went on to live 13 years after his Diagnosis, this was through amazing medical care, and changes in his diet. We had Pete begin taking Herbal Supplements, and we began a Juicing Regiment. In 2017, my dear friend Pete Robinson passed right after Thanksgiving.  I think of Pete every day, and I miss him dearly.

“One afternoon, July of 2001, I was at the Broward Fire Academy, where I was the Dummy, during a drill where I had become trapped structural collapse scenario. When my crew failed to Rescue me, I created an invention to Rescue Firefighters. In 2002, during a Presentation with the Special Forces, I was exposed to other deficits in equipment, and I began creating other solutions for the Depart of Defense. Long Story short I began making Custom Tactical Equipment for the Army Rangers, Special Forces, Delta, and Seals. All the while remaining a Firefighter. I created many inventions currently being used by our Elite Units and was very fortunate to create a successful company Manufacturing Custom Tactical Equipment in the USA for SOCOM.

After retiring from the Fire Dept in 2010, as a Successful Defense Contractor, my world crumbled around me!!!

February 28, 2012: Life Happened and in a period of 6 months My Wife left with my 3-Month-old Son, I lost 10 Million Dollars, as well as my Business, Dog, Manufacturing Facility including Inventory and my Freedom.  I Literally cried for 2 Years straight. Everything I had Worked for Disappeared, and this was from the very people I Loved and Trusted (My Mother, Wife and Brother from the Firehouse), they decided to create an elaborate web of Lies, and attempt to steal my company two months before an upcoming Multi-Billion Dollar Defense Contract, regarding my latest Patented Inventions.

I cried for Hours on end, Literally I cried so much and for so long my clothes would be wet. This lasted for more than Two Years.  I was so hurt, I had the Tears Tattooed onto my chest, vowing never to forget the pain I was suffering.

After 20 months of suffering, I began researching Herbal Supplements that can Fight Depression. (Yes I am Stubborn, I am a Typical Alpha Male, thinking I can control everything and Everyone) I could not control my feelings, and I did not want to lose control of my actions. It turns out the same supplements I gave Pete Robinson to fight his Cancer, fought my Depression.

Fortunately, this supplement turned out to do so much more, as a Defense contractor of 20 years and my background in the Medical field, I dove headfirst into our herbal solution.  What has helped me can help you with your depression!!!

BTBI – PTSD a Real-Life Horror Story!!!

A friend of mine came home from a rotation in the Middle East, so we decide to together for a Barbecue. Well, the Whiskey Flowed and the stories were told while the steaks were on the grill. Life was good until my buddies X Wife came over, now the story begins.

My buddy and his X got into an argument, and within moments he was out of control. He was wide open!!! He was literally not conscious of his words or actions. This is the most scared I have ever been, this is a highly trained soldier, FILLED with ANGER, RAGE and HEART BREAK due to the loss of a few of his teammates and marital issues. Turns out the X Wife, they are divorced but dating, was not very faithful during his rotation, and she slept with multiple guys from his unit, that were not deployed! Terrific, what are Buddies for?

Death for me and his X Wife seemed it would come at any moment. I pleaded with the X, to go outside, (She refused, she wanted to stay and Argue!!! I am losing my mind because she is Stoking this Beast) I ran to the truck and made him a dose of my Turmeric Mix. In (3 Minutes) after taking my Turmeric Tea he was back to normal!!!

It was Bizarre, he calmed down, got quiet, closed his eyes for a moment and then looked up, he was talking as if nothing had happened. I asked him, AHHHH, do you remember what just happened 4 minutes ago.  Candidly he said “No, why? We are grilling Steaks and Drinking Johnny Walker Blue”!!! Shocked I said, “Don’t F_ _ _ K with me!!!” he said Jason what are you talking about? I said, “Brother you were going to do HORRIFIC S_ _T!!! Don’t you remember”. He honestly did not remember a thing.

It turned out while deployed he was in a building when a suicide bomber denotated his vest, knocking my friend out a second story window and he was unconscious for close to 45 minutes.  This explosion created a huge area of injury to the Frontal Lobe of his Brain.  Well after a day’s rest my friend went straight back to work and finished his deployment. He was never treated for his injuries until 8 months after his return.

We had a HOT MESS, I was so scared for His Family, I stayed for 4 days trying to keep my buddy together, I begged him to get help, but if he said if he did, he would lose his command and career.  SOOOOO I monitored him the best I could and within a few weeks he settled enough that I could sleep at night and not worry when I turned on the News.

Since this episode, my friend has continued use of the Tier 1 Turmeric Mix, as a Tea, and in his protein shakes.  His life stabilized, and after a check with military doctors (8 Months Later), they confirmed my diagnosis “Frontal Lobe Injury – BTBI”. Coincidently they recommended he take Turmeric. ?!!!

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) BTBI (Blast Traumatic Brain Injury)

Currently many of my friends are Fire Fighters, Police and Soldiers, Current and Retired.  Many of us suffer with PTSD (Post traumatic Stress Disorder) and BTBI (Blast Traumatic Brain Injury) as well as Depression.  Many of my friends from the Special Forces, have been exposed to repeated Physical injuries to the Brain, each time they Breech a Door, or are around Ordnance Exploding, the shock waves create micro lesions and tears in their Brain Tissue. These injuries cause swelling, this pressure on their brains DIRECTLY affects their personality!!! As Firefighters and Police, Doctors and Nurses, some of what we see, and those we treat, stay with us forever.

Our Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon and Nutmeg Combination helps relive this pressure in as little as 30 minutes. 

Brain Map Frontal Lobes

The frontal lobes are located directly behind the forehead. The frontal lobes are the largest lobes in the human brain, and they are also the most common region of injury in traumatic brain injury. The frontal lobes are important for voluntary movement, expressive language and for managing higher level executive functions. Executive functions refer to a collection of cognitive skills including the capacity to plan, organize, initiate, self-monitor and control one’s responses to achieve a goal. The frontal lobes are considered our behavior and emotional control center and home to our personality. There is no other part of the brain where lesions can cause such a wide variety of symptoms.

Damage to the frontal lobes can result in:

  • Loss of simple movement of various body parts (Paralysis)
  • Inability to plan a sequence of complex movements needed to complete multi-stepped tasks, such as making coffee (Sequencing)
  • Loss of spontaneity in interacting with others
  • Inability to express language (Broca’s Aphasia)
  • Loss of flexibility in thinking and persistence of a single idea or behavior (Perseveration)
  • Inability to focus on a task and to filter out distractions (Attention)
  • Mood fluctuations (Emotional lability)
  • Difficulty problem solving
  • Difficulty inhibiting or controlling a response or impulse (Disinhibition)
  • Reduced motivation, initiation and persistence on activities (Adynamia)
  • Reduced awareness/insight into difficulties
  • Changes in social behavior
  • Changes in personality

Women with PTSD symptoms may have difficulty reaching short-term goals, as well as concentrating and completing tasks, and distress associated with this may lead to alcohol-related consequences. Men with PTSD symptoms may have impulse control difficulties, which results in more alcohol-related problems. Providing individuals with PTSD symptoms with tools to accept and regulate negative emotional states may lead to healthier coping styles that do not include alcohol.



The combination of Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon and Nutmeg, allows for Turmeric to cross the Blood Brain Barrier and begin swelling reduction. This Mixture takes the “Rage / Roar” and Makes stress manageable. As well as Lowering Blood Pressure, helping stabilize Blood Sugar levels in Diabetic Patients, Massive Pain Reduction, Reduction in Cholesterol, providing a sound nights sleep, prevents Bacterial and Viral Infections, it can possibly treat certain Cancers, and has been shown throughout history to be an Aphrodisiac ?.

I have made so many mistakes in my life, I literally was on the edge contemplating whether to continue or to give in to the pain.  My trauma, my experience more than likely is different than yours, but I believe the pain is the same.  Whether it is the loss of a family member, a failed relationship, failed investments, failed career, we will all go through difficult times. It is my opinion that regardless of wealth, seeing I have been Rich and Poor, money does not make the pain less, nor does it buy happiness.

Happiness, in my opinion is being content with what we have at this very moment, learning to appreciate the smallest of things “Myself, I love Butterflies, and Flowers”, finding happiness and love within ourselves, instead of placing the burden on others is a daily challenge.

Now this is easier said than done, and the process is a difficult journey, one wrought with ups and downs, but what has made it possible for me is, Daily Prayer and this Turmeric mix I created. It has changed my life, and I pray you give us an opportunity to help you and your loved ones.

Thank You for your time,

Sincerely Jason aka “Bulldog”!!!